Via Premium

Obesity is a complex medical condition in which fat is stored in the body, especially under the skin, which causes weight gain. The complexity of it results from the presence of overlapping factors that cause obesity. It also constitutes a major cause of many diseases, so people tend to lose weight to get rid of this problem.

Most people suffer from psychological problems on their way to losing weight while being able to get rid of them, so identifying the problem is the beginning of the path towards a useful solution. Many people exercise and eat healthy food on a regular basis despite their knowledge of good and bad foods, but the first obstacles that appear are boredom and frustration, which limits progress towards their goal of losing weight.

Human lives in a daily routine, so routines that include unhealthy eating patterns and activities are considered a major cause of obesity, especially in times of stress, when people resort to their favorite habits. The psychology of weight loss provides many solutions to get rid of these habits and disorders. But it must be determined. These types of disorders may be the result of psychological problems represented by a group of emotional changes in obese people as a result of excess weight and the difficulty of getting rid of it

Some people also suffer from a thought disorder called the all-or-nothing law, where people with this type of thinking believe that their food choices are often a failure, and this results from an inability to adhere to a specific dietary pattern and a stable healthy weight. These people also suffer from difficulty returning to their normal diet. If the diet is exceeded, they also eat excessively to mitigate their failure to follow the nutritional rules.

We also find that many people resort to overeating to calm themselves down after they encounter a setback. Although this reduces the intensity of the feeling of failure, after a while it will turn into a feeling of guilt and frustration. By repeating this habit to relieve suffering, the person will end up imprisoned by food and his anxiety will increase. His weight is clearly reduced, and the vital metabolic processes in the body require a highly focused brain, and the presence of this type of disorder reduces the mind’s ability to work, and thus the quality of metabolic processes decreases and weight loss becomes impossible.

People experience many psychological and physical stresses, internal or external, and then the body secretes a hormone called cortisol, which acts as an appetite stimulant, which prompts people to overeat, causing weight gain, which gives them a feeling of comfort. Some people also change their favorite type of food and resort to overeating. Unhealthy, in addition to overeating, and this condition is a chronic defense method when exposed to stress.

Finally, losing weight is not a difficult process, but it requires continuous commitment to diet and avoiding everything that causes weight gain. First and foremost, it requires a healthy psychological state that helps a person overcome this problem.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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