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Diet After Bariatric Surgery: Is a Must!


Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, involves various procedures performed on people who are obese to help them to lose weight. These surgeries can lead to significant weight loss, but they also come with important nutritional matters to ensure long-term health and success.


Approximately, a month before the surgery you should decrease the calorie intake. If you lose some weight, operation may become easier for surgeon and your body starts to learn tolerate low calorie diet. If it’s possible decrease calorie intake lower than 1000 calorie/per day. Your dietitian will tell you the details. 


The initial 10 days after the bariatric surgery are crucial for recovery and setting the stage for long-term success. During this period, your diet and nutritional intake will be highly controlled to ensure proper healing and adaptation to the changes in your digestive system. The most important thing is that you should limit your daily intake to 400-450 cal during this period. We can divide this period to two phases:

Phase 1: Clear Liquids (1 to 3 days)

- Objective: Hydration and gentle introduction to fluid intake.

- Allowed: Water, broth, sugar-free gelatin, sugar-free popsicles, decaffeinated tea/coffee (without cream or sugar).

- Avoid: Sugary drinks, caffeinated beverages, carbonated drinks, and any solid foods.

Phase 2: Full Liquids (3 to 10 days)

- Objective: Gradual introduction of more nutritious liquids while still avoiding solids.

- Allowed:

- Protein shakes (low-sugar, high-protein)

- Skim or low-fat milk

- Smooth soups (blended without chunks)

- Yogurt (plain or low-sugar)

- Sugar-free pudding

- Diluted fruit juices (without pulp)

- Herbal teas

- Avoid: Any solid foods, high-sugar drinks, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.

General Nutritional Tips

- Protein: First 3 days goal is to reach at least 25 grams of protein per day. After that aim is to reach 60-80 grams of protein per day. Protein shakes and supplements might be necessary during this period.

-  Hydration: Drink at least 1 to 1,5 liters of fluid per day. Sip slowly and avoid gulping to prevent discomfort. Stop when you feel full.

- Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Start taking prescribed supplements as directed by your surgeon. Common supplements usually include a multivitamin, calcium, vitamin D, and B12.

- Meal Schedule: Have small, frequent meals (5-6 times per day). Gradually increase the volume of liquids as tolerated.

- Avoid Using Straw: Drinking through a straw can introduce air into the stomach, causing discomfort.


During the next two weeks, you will transition from a full liquid diet to a pureed diet. This phase allows your body to continue healing while slowly introducing more texture to your diet.

Phase 3: Pureed Foods (Weeks 2 to 3)

-Objective: Introduce pureed foods that are easy to digest and nutrient intense.

- Allowed:

- Protein Sources:

- Pureed lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish)

- Scrambled eggs or egg whites

- Low-fat cottage cheese

- Yogurt (plain or low-sugar)

- Protein shakes and/or powders (ensure they are low-sugar and high-protein)

- Vegetables:

- Well-cooked and pureed vegetables (carrots, peas, green beans, squash)

- Avoid fibrous vegetables (corn, celery) as they can be difficult to puree and digest.

- Fruits:

- Pureed fruits without seeds or skins (applesauce, mashed bananas, pureed peaches)

- Avoid citrus fruits and their juices.

- Grains:

- Smooth oatmeal or cream of wheat

- Pureed cooked cereals (make sure they are very smooth and not lumpy)

- Avoid:

- Solid foods, nuts, seeds, tough meats, raw vegetables, whole fruits, and high-sugar foods.

- Foods that are spicy, fatty, or fried.

General Nutritional Tips

- Protein: Continue to aim for 60-80 grams of protein daily. Prefer protein-rich pureed foods.

- Hydration: Maintain fluid intake of at least 1,5 liters per day, sipping slowly and avoiding drinks during meals (and 30 mins before and after meals).

- Vitamins and Minerals: Continue taking prescribed supplements as directed by your surgeon.

- Portion Sizes: Eat small portions, typically 1/4 to 1/2 cup per meal, 5-6 times per day.

- Texture: Ensure all foods are pureed to a smooth consistency to avoid irritation or blockage.

Sample Meal Plan

- Breakfast:

- 1/4 cup pureed oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder.

- 1/4 cup yogurt.

- Mid-Morning Snack:

- 1/4 cup pureed cottage cheese.

- Lunch:

- 1/4 cup pureed chicken with broth.

- 1/4 cup pureed carrots.

- Afternoon Snack:

- 1/4 cup pureed fruit (e.g., applesauce).

- Dinner:

- 1/4 cup pureed fish with a bit of vegetable broth.

- 1/4 cup pureed peas.

- Evening Snack:

- 1/4 cup sugar-free pudding or yogurt.

Phase 4: Soft Foods (Weeks 3-4)

- Objective: Introduce soft, easily digestible foods while ensuring sufficient protein intake and nutrient absorption.

- Allowed:

- Protein Sources:

- Ground or finely chopped lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish)

- Soft-cooked eggs or egg whites

- Low-fat cottage cheese

- Yogurt (plain or low-sugar)

- Protein shakes and/or powders (low-sugar, high-protein)

- Vegetables:

- Soft-cooked and mashed vegetables (carrots, peas, green beans, squash)

- Avoid raw or fibrous vegetables (corn, celery).

- Fruits:

- Soft, peeled and mashed fruits (bananas, peaches, applesauce)

- Avoid citrus fruits and their juices.

- Grains:

- Soft-cooked grains (oatmeal, cream of wheat, soft rice)

- Avoid bread, pasta, and other dense grains.

- Dairy:

- Low-fat or non-fat dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt)

- Avoid:

- Tough meats, raw vegetables, whole fruits with skins or seeds, high-sugar foods, and high-fat foods.

- Spicy, fried, and highly seasoned foods.

General Nutritional Tips

Protein: Aim for 60-80 grams of protein daily. Prefer protein-rich soft foods into meals.

Hydration: Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluids daily, sipping slowly and avoiding fluids during meals.

Vitamins and Minerals: Continue taking supplements.

Portion Sizes: Eat small portions, just like the week before and follow the same portion amounts.

Adding New Food: Take two bites and wait for 20 minutes when you add new food.

Sample Meal Plan


- 1/4 cup scrambled eggs with a bit of low-fat cheese.

- 1/4 cup yogurt.

- Mid-Morning Snack:

- 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese.

- Lunch:

- 1/4 cup ground turkey with a bit of vegetable broth.

- 1/4 cup mashed carrots.

- Afternoon Snack:

- 1/4 cup applesauce or mashed banana.

- Dinner:

- 1/4 cup soft-cooked fish with a bit of vegetable broth.

- 1/4 cup mashed peas.

- Evening Snack:

- 1/4 cup sugar-free pudding or yogurt.


As the time goes, your calorie intake will raise probably 500 cal/per day to 900-100 cal/per day at the end of the second month. Main goal is to understand the key points to choose healthier foods. During this period, your new journey makes more sense. If you follow your dietitian’s and your surgeon’s directions you’ll keep losing weight. Crucial thing for this period is to always remember the making right meal choices. If you prefer a cake over a soup you may not reach your goal. That’s why always keep in mind that the best way to become healthier, skinnier is to create a balanced life. 

Remember to maintain open communication with your surgeon and dietitian, attend regular follow-up appointments, and seek support from groups or counselors when needed. By staying committed to these practices, you'll set yourself up for long-term success and a healthier lifestyle. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. 

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