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What is Gastric Sleeve (Sleeve Gastrectomy) Surgery?

Gastric Sleeve surgery is the surgical transformation of the stomach into a tube (banana shaped). When the digestive system is examined, it is seen that almost all organs of this system are tube-shaped. The esophagus and intestines are all organs in the form of long thin tubes. The stomach, which is an exception in this system, is in the form of a pouch, not a tube, so that it can take in more food and create storage. Gastric sleeve surgery is in which a large part of the stomach is irreversibly removed and transformed into a system that continues with the continuation of the esophagus and intestines. A tube or other foreign object is not placed in the stomach. Since the shape of the stomach resembles a tube shape, it is called sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

The only effect of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is not on reducing the volume of the stomach. While the stomach is reduced and shaped into a tube, it also has a serious effect on the hunger hormone secreted from the stomach. The desire for food decreases, the brain feels less hungry, meaning that gastric sleeve surgery creates not only a mechanical effect but also a hormonal effect.

Who is a Good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

If you meet any of the following criteria, you may be a candidate for a gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey.

-You are between the ages of 18-65,

-Your body mass index (BMI) is over 30,

-You have tried conventional diet and exercise programmes to lose weight and failed,

-You do not have any other health problems that may cause excess weight gain,

-You are ready for long-term lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise and medical requirements

-In special cases such as uncontrolled diabetes and severe sleep apnoea, you can also have sleeve gastrectomy with a BMI of 30, but the surgeon will make the final decision during your consultation. 

How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?

Gastric sleeve surgery duration generally varies between 30 and 90 minutes (an average of one hour). This period may vary depending on the patient's anatomy and the surgeon. Duration of time is not important in obesity surgeries. It is important to perform the surgery in the most ideal way.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

There are many benefits you can expect after a gastric sleeve surgery. When you have less weight, it becomes much easier for you to move. This means you can enjoy a range of new activities that can improve your overall fitness and health.

Gastric sleeve surgery also has some potential health benefits linked to weight loss. For example, it has been proven to correct a number of health problems such as Type 2 diabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure). If you suffer from these conditions, gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey may be suitable for you.

The advantages of gastric sleeve surgery compared to other weight loss surgeries are as follows:

-Since the part of the stomach that secretes the hunger hormone (gherelin) is also removed, the feeling of hunger is reduced.

-The duration of surgery is shorter than the gastric bypass.

-It does not redirect the intestines like gastric bypass. Food is processed naturally, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are less common.

-There is no dumping syndrome in gastric sleeve surgery.

-No foreign body remains in the body. The gastric band leaves a silicone band at the top of your stomach. It also requires doctor check-ups for band adjustments.

What are the Risks of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

The risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be grouped under 3 main headings.

Risks of obese patients undergoing surgery: There are risks such as heart, lung, embolism, lung collapse, kidney failure or muscle destruction in obese patients' surgeries. These risks are valid not only for sleeve gastrectomy surgery, but also for all surgical procedures performed on an obese individual.

General surgery complications: There are risks to all patients in all surgical procedures. Every patient who undergoes surgery faces risks such as bleeding or infection. The same risks apply to patients who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery, although at lower rates.

Risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery itself:

Reflux problem may occur in the advanced stages after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

The stomach, which is shaped into a tube, can expand.

Weight can be regained due to the expansion of the stomach.

There may be problems such as difficulty in emptying the stomach and swelling in the patient's abdomen, nausea or vomiting.

The most feared risk in the early stages is the leakage problem.To prevent it, we provide 3 days hospital stay and special leaking tests after operation.

There are risks of stomach bleeding or bleeding in the abdomen.

How Long is The Recovery Period?

The recovery period after Gastric Sleeve Surgery, or Sleeve Gastrectomy, can vary depending on several factors such as the individual's overall health, the specific technique used for the surgery, and how well the patient follows post-operative care instructions. However, a general timeline for recovery is as follows:

Hospital Stay After Gastric Sleeve: Most patients stay in the hospital for about 2 to 3 days following the surgery. During this time, medical staff monitor recovery, manage pain, and ensure that the patient can tolerate liquids.

First Few Weeks:

First 1-2 Weeks: Recovery at home. During this period, patients are usually on a liquid diet and gradually transition to pureed foods.

Activity After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Patients are encouraged to start light activities like walking as soon as possible post-surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots and other complications.

Work: Returning to work depends on the nature of the job. For desk jobs, patients might return within 2-4 weeks, while more physically demanding jobs might require a longer absence.

One to Three Months:

Diet: Transition from pureed to soft foods, and eventually to regular, but smaller and healthier meals.

Physical Activity: Gradual increase in exercise intensity, as tolerated.

Long-Term Recovery: Patients starts to feel more normal and able to consume more normal food.(except fast-food)

Complete Healing: It typically takes around 6 months for the body to fully heal from the surgery.

Lifestyle Changes: Ongoing commitment to dietary guidelines, exercise, and regular follow-ups with healthcare providers is essential.

Is a Special Diet After Surgery necessary?

Yes, after Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy), you will need to follow a special diet. This diet is crucial for proper healing, maximizing weight loss, and avoiding complications. The post-surgery diet typically progresses through several stages:

Liquid Diet (1-2 weeks post-surgery):

Immediately after surgery, you will start with a clear liquid diet. This includes broth, unsweetened juice, and sugar-free gelatin.

Gradually, you'll move to other liquids like milk, unsweetened puddings, and thin soups.

Pureed Foods (2-4 weeks post-surgery):

After tolerating liquids, you can eat pureed foods. This includes pureed fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and beans.

Foods should be blended with a liquid (like water, fat-free milk, or broth) to a smooth, baby-food consistency.

Soft Foods (4-8 weeks post-surgery):

Soft, easy-to-chew foods are introduced next. Examples include soft fruits and vegetables, eggs, and tender meats.

Continue to avoid foods that are hard to digest, such as bread, rice, and tough meats.

Regular Diet (After 8 weeks):

Gradually, you'll transition to a more regular diet, focusing on small, nutrient-rich, and low-calorie meals.

It's important to chew food thoroughly and eat slowly.

Throughout all these stages, you should follow these suggestions listed below:

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but avoid drinking 30 minutes before and after meals to prevent overfilling your smaller stomach.

Avoid Certain Foods: Steer clear of sugary, fatty, or very fibrous foods.

Monitor Portion Sizes: Eat small portions to avoid stretching your stomach.

Take Supplements: You may need to take vitamin and mineral supplements, as recommended by your healthcare provider, since nutrient absorption can be affected post-surgery.

When Can a Person Who Has Undergone Gastric Sleeve Surgery Return to Social Life?

The hospital stay after surgery is between 2-3 days. Patients who have had successful surgery and feel well can return to work 5 days after the surgery, depending on their preference. If the patient wishes, he can even go out at night with his friends and spend time at the cinema or similar places. However, it is very important to follow post-operative nutrition rules during this process.

Why Should I have Gastric Sleeve in Turkey?

Top Obesity Doctors

Turkish clinics employ the world’s best doctors, surgeons, and health professionals. With years of experience, they are well-versed in performing gastric sleeve Turkey surgeries with success rates.

Modern Technology Turkish Surgeons Use

Turkish surgeons performing gastric sleeve surgery use the latest technologies to ensure successful results. This includes techniques such as endoscopic suturing, which reduces operating time and minimizes the risk of complications. 

Affordable Prices for Obesity

Compared to countries such as the US or UK, where obesity surgery can cost up more, Turkey offers a much more affordable solution depending on the facility and type of procedure chosen.

Improved Quality of Life

Gastric sleeve surgery can help individuals achieve their weight loss goals quickly and effectively without strict diets. Moreover, it helps improve physical and mental well-being, thus leading to a higher quality of life overall.

Easily Accessible

Turkey is easily accessible from most European countries, making it the perfect destination for medical tourism. Direct flights are also available to Istanbul, making the journey even more convenient.

World-Class Facilities

Turkish clinics offer world-class facilities with modern technology that help ensure successful surgeries and quick recovery times.

Expert Obesity Surgeons

The surgeons performing gastric sleeves in Turkey have years of experience in this field. They use the latest techniques to minimize any potential risk associated with the procedure.

Minimal Risks

As after the obesity surgeries, patients are observed for few days in the hospitals. Special leaking tests and other post operative tests are followed by doctor and nurses to make sure obesity patients are 100% safe and there is not a side effect or complication.

Supportive Aftercare Services

We provide excellent post-operative care services to help patients recover from surgery and give dietician/nutritionist support to provide a healthy recovery for obesity patients. In addition, we also offer counseling services to patients who may be feeling overwhelmed or struggling with their weight loss journey at Via Premium

Overall, there are numerous benefits associated with undergoing gastric sleeve in Turkey – so if you’re looking for a safe and effective way to lose weight, this could be the perfect solution and you can contact with our medical consultants any time for free consultation.

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