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Tummy Tuck Surgery in Turkey

Tummy tuck surgery is characterized by the availability of three techniques to perform it, depending on the excess skin and fat. If there is only accumulated fat and no deformed or saggy skin is observed, then liposuction is the appropriate procedure.When fat accumulates under the lower abdomen and there are some excess skin, we perform a thightening operation for the lower abdomen.But if there are large accumulated amounts of fat and excess skin in addition to separation of muscles in the abdominal wall, then we perform a tummy tuck with a tummy tuck and belly button replacement.

Tummy tuck surgery is divided into two types: 

Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck is a small incision made above the pubic area, then the plastic surgeon removes excess skin from the area under the belly button, tightens the underlying muscles and performs liposuction to remove excess fat. This type mainly targets the area under the belly button, and the mini style is characterized by It causes a more limited tightening of the muscles in the lower abdomen area, where the navel remains in place and does not separate.

Full Tummy Tuck

As for the full tummy tuck, it is used when there is widespread sagging skin above and below the navel, and in the case of sagging rectus muscles in the abdomen as well.

From a surgical standpoint, a tummy tuck focuses on removing skin from the area between the pubis and the xiphoid area.The skin fold over the belly button is made after separation, and the navel is replaced with an incision at the end of the procedure. This procedure is called a tummy tuck with belly button creation (umbilicoplasty), and it is usually accompanied by repairing the abdominal wall.

Scar Types After a Tummy Tuck

There are two types of scars left by a tummy tuck. The first is a horizontal scar that is invisible through underwear, where it is located above the pubis. The second is a scar around the belly button that is almost invisible.

In some cases, a vertical scar is made between the pubis and the navel, especially for patients with a surgical history, or who suffer from vertical excess skin.Of course, the final result of scars cannot be judged before one year, and as for their appearance, the scars may be red and clear for a few months.It is also very important that scars must be protected from the sun during the first year.

There are many procedures that can accompany a tummy tuck, such as liposuction, which increases the beauty of the body by reducing fatty excesses in the hips and buttocks area, in addition to improving the appearance of the abdomen.

Another procedure is a tightening of the rectus abdominal muscles, which is always accompanied by a tummy tuck, and is sometimes known as rectus diastasis treatment.

Tummy Tuck in Bursa

Before undergoing a Tummy Tuck procedure, there are many procedures that must be taken, such as conducting a comprehensive health examination before arriving in Bursa and sending it to a specialized plastic surgeon. Smoking must also be stopped a month before and after the operation. Also, it is recommended to stop oral contraceptives to reduce the risk of thromboembolism, and to stop blood thinning medications such as aspirin for ten days before surgery.

Tummy Tuck Operation Process

During the procedure, the patient undergoes general anesthesia, and the patient is required to stay in the plastic surgery clinic for three days, and the total stay and recovery period is 9-10 days.

When the procedure is completed, the fluid drains are removed when they stop draining blood or serum after a few days.

Side effects that may occur include feeling some discomfort in the abdomen, after which the patient is not able to stand upright during the first few days, in addition to numbness, bruising, and some pain.

Doctors recommend avoiding strenuous exercises for 6 weeks, and replacing them with moderate exercises such as walking or swimming.

The patient is also required to wear compression clothing for 6 weeks, day and night, to support the abdominal skin after the operation.

All surgical procedures inevitably carry some risks, and a tummy tuck is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed every year, and it can be performed very safely.

Risks of Tummy Tuck Procedure

Possible complications include infection, hematomas, delayed wound healing or wound dehiscence, numbness, and clots.

Instead of a full tummy tuck, some patients may be able to get excellent results with a mini tummy tuck, which is a less invasive cosmetic surgery procedure.

The mini tummy tuck differs from the full tummy tuck, as the mini tummy tuck only takes care of the area below the navel, and the scars are shorter and without replacing the belly button.

Not all people are eligible for this procedure. It may be applied, for example, to people who suffer from muscle weakness, excess skin, and moderate fat in the area below the navel. The patient must also have a stable weight and not plan to become pregnant in the future.

As we mentioned, the mini tummy tuck has clear rules. It is suitable for those who have sagging skin in the area below the navel due to thin skin, aging, or other reasons.

The mini and full tummy tuck in Bursa are very similar in terms of pre-operative procedures, such as routine examinations, smoking cessation, oral contraceptives, and aspirin.

During the surgery, general anesthesia applied, and it lasts for one or two hours, and the patient is required to stay in the hospital for two nights.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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