Via Premium

Reasons to Have Liposuction Surgery in Turkey

Why should i have liposuction procedure?

The presence of excess fat gives a bad appearance to the body, so liposuction helps in getting rid of them and get in shape. Liposuction can be defined as a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes localized fatty excesses from various areas of the body. This process is performed very easily and its effect is permanent. This process helps give a harmonious appearance to the body However, it must be emphasized that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or cellulite (which is an accumulation of fat in pockets under the skin), but rather it is a mechanism for sculpting the body, giving it an ideal shape, and getting rid of those fatty excesses, especially those that are stubborn to diet and exercise, and are also common. In men and women, the hips, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen are the most common locations for liposuction.

If you wish to do this procedure in Turkey:

Your plastic surgeon in Via Premium will contact you and determine the best places for liposuction to suit your needs.

Speaking briefly about the liposuction process:

You will need to stay in the hospital for one or two nights, and the operation will continue for two hours or more, while you will be subjected to local, lumbar, or general anesthesia, as needed. After the operation, we may notice some side effects, such as temporary bruising, which is one of the most common effects and lasts for a week or two, swelling, numbness, pain, burning, temporary drainage of fluids from the surgical incision site, and high temperature.

As for the complications that you may encounter, it is possible that rippling or swelling of the skin may occur, a disorder in skin pigmentation, fluid retention, or skin injuries. In order to fully recover, it is necessary to stay for 6-7 nights in Turkey with a recovery period ranging from one to two weeks.

Finally, medical errors can be fatal and may lead to serious consequences that cannot be avoided or repaired, such as deformities and permanent disabilities.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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