Via Premium


What is obesity?

Obesity is a very common health problem nowadays in the world. While the main reasons may be genetic predisposition, diabetes, insulin-related problems, they can also be unhealthy living habits, unhealthy diet, too much fast food consumption, too frequent food consumption, unconscious nutrition, not balanced nutrition, or consumption of fatty or very sugary foods, It can also be caused by inactivity and not doing sports. Obesity emerges as a disease as a result of excess fat in the body. Obesity is a condition that progresses to internal organ fat due to excess fat in the body, and is a condition that seriously threatens cardiovascular health. In addition, obesity can cause many chronic diseases. Obesity must be treated to prevent obesity-related diseases.

Who is considered obese?

here are three main obesity classes, which are defined based on your body mass index (BMI).


Healthy weight


Obesity Class I

Obesity Class II

Obesity Class III

BMI of <18.5

BMI of 18.5-24.9

BMI of 25-29.9

BMI of 30-34.9

BMI of 35-39.9

BMI of 40 or more


Those with a body mass index of 30 and above are considered obese. A higher BMI usually suggests a higher amount of fat in the body. However, it is a general estimation.However, obesity is also divided into levels within itself. A BMI of 30-34.99 kg/m2 indicates obesity class I, a BMI of 35-39.99 kg/m2 indicates obesity class II, and a BMI of 40 kg/m2 and above indicates obesity class III.

Obesity & Bariatric  Surgery in Turkey

Turkey has become one of the well known countries for bariatric and weight loss surgeries over the last decade. It’s mostly because of the developments in Turkish health care system along with increasing number of experienced surgeons and well-equipped, high standard hospitals. In fact, private hospital chains in Turkey have strong corporate systems and the service is smooth and faster. Many features such as quick access to information, getting opinions from specialist physicians and experienced surgeons, quick appointment system, no waiting list, and offering all-inclusive services make Turkey stand out in obesity surgery.

Via Premium International and Obesity Surgeries

As Via Premium International, we work with hospital groups equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and accredited by the Ministry of Health, and we perform obesity treatments and surgeries with our expert obesity surgeons who have 15 years or more of surgical experience in obesity surgery.

What is the cost of weight loss surgery in Turkey?

Bariatric surgeries limit the stomach's ability to hold excess food, causing malabsorption of nutrients. These surgical procedures also cause hormonal changes in the human body. Some surgical procedures are minimally invasive operations, while others are traditionally performed through larger incisions. Turkey is a great place for weight loss surgery considering the great experience and high qualification of the doctors. If you are wondering what the price of this type of surgery is, let us tell you that it is directly related to the type of surgery, the qualification and experience of the doctor, as well as the individual case of each patient.

What are the Obesity Surgeries?

 There are several different types of surgeries performed in obesity surgery. The type of surgery to be performed varies depending on many factors such as the patient's age, weight, and obesity-related disorders. All operations in obesity surgery are performed under general anesthesia. In other words, the patient does not feel anything during the procedure. In addition, patients are intubated during surgery and their breathing continues with the help of devices.

Most of the surgeries in obesity surgery are performed by the laparoscopic method, also known as closed. In this method, several small holes are opened in the patient's abdomen, and thin tube-shaped devices with a camera at the end are inserted through the holes, which enable operations inside the abdomen. The surgeon performs the procedure with the help of these devices.

Here are the different types of obesity surgeries are as follows:

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

In this method, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, approximately 80% of the patient's stomach is removed. The remaining stomach piece is shaped into a long, thin tube. In this way, the stomach becomes smaller and cannot hold as much food as before. In addition, the 'ghrelin' hormone, secreted from the stomach and known as the hunger hormone, is produced less. Thus, the patient's appetite decreases after the surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery helps patients lose large amounts of weight. One of the biggest advantages of this type of surgery is that it requires a shorter hospital stay compared to other surgical methods.

Gastric Bypass

 One of the most commonly used methods in bariatric surgery is gastric bypass. This surgery is basically done in two steps. First, a small part of the upper part of the stomach is separated from the rest of the stomach. Then, the initial part of the small intestine to which the stomach is connected and the rest of the intestine are divided into two parts. The part located in the middle of the intestine is connected to the small part separated from the stomach. The remaining large part of the stomach and the initial part of the intestine are added to the structure near the middle of the intestine. Since the stomach size will decrease with gastric bypass surgery, the patient will be satisfied with less food in one sitting. In addition, nutrient absorption decreases as the consumed foods bypass the first part of the intestine.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery is the method in which various obesity surgeries, especially gastric bypass, are performed. In robotic surgery, the surgeon does not perform a procedure directly on the patient. Instead, the patient is placed under a large, multi-featured device called a robot. The surgeon uses the control keys on this device to move the arms that will perform the procedure on the patient. The difference between robotic surgery and open or laparoscopic surgery; It allows the surgeon to act more precisely.

Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon procedure is a method in which a balloon-like device is placed in the patient's stomach. This device, placed inside the stomach, reduces the patient's stomach capacity and contributes to quick saturation. Gastric balloon is not a frequently preferred method among obesity surgeries.

Weight loss with plastic surgery

With the development of medicine and technology, obesity sufferers can lose weight in a short time and at a high speed with various treatment methods and surgical procedures. It is normal to notice sagging and various deformations on the patient's skin after weight loss surgery. These skin changes, such as sagging, stretch marks, etc. they create discomfort and low self-esteem in patients, while they can also make physical and social life difficult. The way to get rid of excess skin after losing weight is precisely aesthetic and plastic surgery. Thanks to the aesthetic operations, called post bariatric surgery, applied to different parts of the body and face, patients can continue their normal lives.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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