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Nutrition after Mommy Makeover Surgery

Mommy makeover surgery is a surgery to help women to change their body after pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. Goal is to transform body to where it was before pregnancy. This surgery lasts approximately 3 to 6 hours. It’s important to know that this procedure requires some care. Therefore diet and exercise are also important through healing process because it effects directly. When you contact with your dietician and decide to follow instructions it’ll help to reduce side effects like edema and inflammation. 

Key is to focus on a balanced and nutrient-rich diet to support healing and recovery. Some of the nutritional tips are:

1)Eating protein rich foods: It’s crucial for tissue repair and recovery. Diet must include lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy (preferably lactose free), beans and nuts.

2)Hydration is essential: Drinking enough water (amount depends to patients physicial needs) to stay hydrated and help through healing process.

3)Enough amount of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins (both essential and nonessential), minerals and antioxidants. Aim for a variety of colors to ensure broad range of nutrients.

4)Right amount of healthy fats: Healthy fats (like olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds) support cell growth and help to reduce inflammations. Must careful to not to fry fats.

5)Most neccesary vitamins and minerals: Must focus on vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc and iron rich foods for healing. Some of the foods which are rich for these are: citrus fruits, leafy greens, carrots and fortified cereals.

6)Whole grains for the best carbohydrate intake: Whole grains provide fiber and help body to produce energy. Some of them are: brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread and oats.

7)Must avoid processed foods: Processed foods might hinder or delay recovery. You should avoid eating sugary foods, high-fat unhealty foods and fast foods.

8)Diet plan must be divided to small, frequent meals: This helps maintain the energy level and prevent nausea (which can be side effect of anesthesia and some medicines) and also help metabolism to keep working at a steady level.

9)Sodium limitation is important: Excess sodium intake can cause edema (swelling). Must choose unprocessed foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. Cook with herbs (but avoid the forbidden ones after recovery which your doctor suggests) and spices instead of salt.

10)Doctors recommendation of supplements must be taken: If you can’t eat enough or if you are running low on some vitamins and minerals or if doctor thinks some specific vitamins and minerals are essential through healing process, surgeant might suggest some supplements. It’s important to follow all the instructions and that’s why you might need to take supplements.

Before making any changes through healing process on your diet it’s crucial to consult with you dietitian. Dietitian can tailor your specific needs and recommends some changes during healing and recovery.

Other key part for healing process is exercise. You must follow the doctors instructions and you can contact with a physiotherapist. Exercise should be approached with caution and under the guidance of your healthcare provider. Some general suggestion are:

1)Initial rest period: For the first few weeks, focus on rest and allow your body to heal. Avoid any strenuous activities or exercises.

2)Daily walk: Start with daily walk as soon as your surgeon gives you the go-ahead. Walking helps improve circulation and can aid in reducing swelling.

3)Gentle stretching: After a few weeks, gentle stretching can help maintain flexibility without putting too much strain on your body. Avoid stretching that targets the operated areas.

4)Gradual increase: Around 6-8 weeks post-surgery, you may be cleared for light exercises like:

• Low-impact cardio: Such as stationary biking, swimming or using an elliptical machine.

• Strength training: Start with very light weights and avoid exercises that strain your core initially.

5)Core exercises: After getting approval from your surgeon (usually around 8-12 weeks post-surgery), you can slowly reintroduce core exercises. Begin with:

• Pelvic tilts

• Bridges

• Different plank exercises (starting on your knees)

6)Avoid high-impact and heavy lifting: High-impact activities like running or heavy lifting should be avoided until you are fully healed and cleared by your surgeon.

7)Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain. If you experience any unusual symptoms, stop exercising and consult your healthcare provider.

8)Progress slowly: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as your body allows. It’s important not to rush the recovery process.

Always follow the specific guidelines provided by your surgeon, as individual recovery times and recommendations can vary. Consulting with a physical therapist or a fitness trainer experienced in post-surgical recovery can also be beneficial.

If patient doesn’t follow suggestions of the dietitian and the surgeon, healing process may interrupt with some difficulties such as delay in wound healing, weak immunity which may cause some inflammation and infection. Patient might gain weight because of poor nutritional choises and not following a proper diet plan and exercise routine. Whole aim for this surgery is to get back in shape and keep it for very long time therefore these suggestions are very important and key to get the most from this surgery.

If you want to get free dietitian consultation, you can always contact with our medical consultants at Via Premium. 

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