Via Premium


Gynecomastia is a medical condition in which the breast gland becomes enlarged in men, or it may be caused by the accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin. Gynecomastia and breast gland enlargement occur physiologically at puberty, but this enlargement decreases in the following year, but if it persists, then it is necessary to resort to excision. Gynecomastia constitutes an obstacle for men in continuing their lives, as their chest takes on a feminine character.

Male breast reduction surgery involves removing excess mammary glands in the case of adenomatous enlargement, or liposuction in the event that gynecomastia is caused by excess fat.Therefore, male breast reduction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to restore the appearance of the chest to its natural state.

Our surgeons, recognized by the Ministry of Health in Turkey, have specialized experience in male breast reduction surgery.The Bursa region is one of the highly recommended areas for this operation, as it provides high success, guaranteed safety, and lower costs.

Breast reduction for men Bursa

What is gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia is a pathological condition in which the mammary glands enlarge in men, causing an increase in the size of the chest and giving the torso a feminine appearance.

In addition to the physical problem caused by gynecomastia, it also leads to psychological disorders in men, especially because of the feminine appearance of their chest.

Medically, gynecomastia may result from pathological enlargement of the breast gland, or result from the accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin, and sometimes a condition called mixed gynecomastia occurs in which we find both causes.Gynecomastia affects both breasts or one of them.

Speaking of the factors that lead to gynecomastia, most cases of gynecomastia are of unknown cause and origin, while the rest of the cases are the result of many causes, including obesity,testicular cancer, hormonal changes, and breast tumors.

As for breast reduction surgery, it is necessary to focus on some pre-operative procedures determined by the surgeon responsible for the operation. These procedures include stopping any treatment that contains aspirin at least 10 days before surgery.

During the surgical procedure: The patient undergoes traditional general anesthesia, which causes the patient to completely lose consciousness and sensation. This process lasts approximately half an hour to an hour, and the surgeon uses absorbable threads to sew the wound. After completion, a compressive bandage is applied. And drainage of fluids, but in the case of liposuction we do not need drainage.

The patient then stays in the hospital for two days, and the total length of stay reaches 6 days, after which the patient needs a recovery period ranging from 7 to 10 days.Breast reduction surgery is characterized by the presence of three mechanisms of action, depending on the type of gynecomastia, whether it is glandular, adipose, or mixed.In the case of lipomatous hyperplasia, the surgeon then resorts to liposuction while maintaining natural contraction of the skin, and the procedure leaves two small scars 0.5 cm long.

However, if the enlargement is glandular, then we resort to surgery to remove the enlarged gland, and the type of scar will depend on the elasticity of the skin. In the case of elastic skin and when the enlargement is not significant, making a small, separate semicircular incision around the areola of the breast is sufficient. However, in the case of skin Hard and large inflation, then we need horizontal incisions around the areola.

In the mixed type of enlargement, the two procedures are combined, namely liposuction and removal of the enlarged gland.

Like any surgical procedure, there must be some side effects and sequelae following surgery, as we notice mild pain that subsides with analgesics, some bruising and swelling that lasts for several days, transient numbness in the nipples that goes away after a few days, and irregular swelling. In the chest, the bandage remains for a few weeks.

The patient is required to make certain commitments during the recovery period, such as wearing compulsory clothing and compression wraps for six weeks, in order to place the dead skin on its base and get rid of it easily. Sports activities, sudden movements, and lifting weights are strictly prohibited for a period of one to two months. Replace the bandages with new ones at the site of the surgical incision.

The final result takes about six months to appear clearly.

Finally, medical errors may be fatal and may lead to serious consequences that cannot be avoided or repaired, such as deformities and permanent disabilities.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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