Via Premium


Botox is one of the most common cosmetic and therapeutic procedures nowadays, because it plays a role in hiding facial wrinkles, specifically in the forehead area and around the eyes, in addition to other uses that will be mentioned later.Botox is the trade name for botulinum toxin, which is a neurotoxic substance extracted from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.

Botox depends on its mechanism of action by affecting neurochemical transmitters, as it reduces the secretion of acetylcholine, which is a chemical transmitter that causes contraction of muscle fibers. Therefore, when it is stopped, muscle contractions will stop, facial muscles will relax, and wrinkles will disappear.

In addition to the role of Botox in hiding wrinkles, it is also used as a therapeutic method in treating some involuntary motor spasms, cerebral palsy,

Ocular disorders resulting from hyperactivity of the muscles in the eye, such as eyelid spasm, or lazy eye, and some neuromuscular problems such as cervical muscle tension. It is also used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the feet, palms, or underarms, and in the treatment of urinary incontinence of nervous origin.

Before Botox Procedure: the patient is asked to stop using sleeping medications, allergy medications, or blood-thinning medications such as aspirin to avoid bleeding and bruising.

The procedure is performed in the plastic surgeon’s practice room, where the patient is injected with a local anesthetic in the area to be treated, then Botox needles are injected in small quantities and the number of injections depends on the area of ​​the injected area and the thickness of the skin in it, as the injection process takes about 5-10 minutes. The patient must remain in an upright position during this period.

After Completing Botox Procedure: The patient can return home immediately, and he must adhere to some recommendations, such as not rubbing the injected area for 24 hours, and not lying on the injection site, and if he feels pain, he can take some painkillers, and some Side effects that may occur, we may notice local bleeding or swelling in the injection area, and they usually disappear within a few days, and in some cases we may see a rise in temperature, or purulent secretions from the injection area, or loss of sensation in the face, Then you must see a doctor immediately.

Botox takes about 10 days for its results to appear, which is an average period that varies from one person to another. It should also be noted that the effect of Botox is temporary and lasts for only four months.

If we delve a little deeper, we will find that Botox is a double-edged sword. It is an important therapeutic and cosmetic procedure, but it has a serious effect on the body when taken in high doses or injected incorrectly. It is possible that we will see some cases of Loss of bladder control, breathing disorders, difficulty speaking or swallowing, visual problems, and some allergic reactions. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also prohibited from Botox injections.

After talking in details about Botox, medical errors may be dangerous and may lead to serious consequences that cannot be avoided or repaired, such as deformities and permanent disabilities.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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