Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    1 hour
  • Anaesthesia
    Local or General
  • Overnight stay
    1 night
  • Recovery Time
    1 week

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the name given to the surgical removal of the tooth from its socket in the bone, which is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon as a relatively quick outpatient procedure with local, general, intravenous anesthesia or a combination.

Simple tooth extraction is the name given to the technique used in the extraction of teeth that appear in the mouth while the patient is under the influence of local anesthesia.

Why is the Tooth Extracted?

In some cases, it may be necessary to extract the teeth in adults. Although it is ideal to use adult teeth that replace primary teeth in childhood, it may be necessary to extract teeth for more than one reason.

The most common of these causes is that the teeth are too damaged to be repaired due to trauma or decay.

In addition, dentists may find it appropriate to extract teeth for preliminary preparation in the mouth, especially in cases where there are many teeth that do not fully fit in the jaw, requiring orthodontic treatment.

In similar cases, impacted tooth extraction can be performed for teeth that have not protruded above the gums, or for wisdom teeth.

If tooth decay or damage has spread to the dental pulp, the nucleus made up of nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth, bacteria in the mouth can enter and cause an infection.

This can usually be corrected with root canal treatment, but if the infection is very severe and antibiotics or root canal treatment are not sufficient, tooth extraction may be necessary to prevent the infection from spreading.

In a similar situation, if the immune system is at risk due to chemotherapy or drugs used for organ transplantation, due to another medical complication, even the risk of infection in the tooth may be sufficient reason to remove the tooth.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease;If teeth are loosened due to periodontal disease, or gum disease, which is an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth, it may be necessary to extract one or more teeth.

What should be considered before the tooth extraction?

Although the tooth extraction procedure itself is generally a very safe medical practice, it can lead to the introduction of harmful bacteria into the circulatory system due to the procedure. At the same time, the gum tissue is at risk of infection.

If there is a high risk of developing a severe infection for another medical reason, antibiotics will be necessary before and after tooth extraction.

For this reason, a full medical history should be shared with the dentist before a tooth extraction. In addition to regularly used drugs and supplements, conditions such as damaged or artificial heart valve, congenital heart defect, impaired immune system, liver disease (cirrhosis), artificial joints such as hip replacement, bacterial endocarditis should be reported to the dentist.

How is Tooth Extraction performed?

Oral surgeons, who are dentists specially trained to perform surgery with tooth extraction dentists, may perform tooth extractions. Before the tooth is extracted, the dentist will give the patient an injection of local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be extracted. In some cases, especially for impacted wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist may use a stronger general anesthetic. This general anesthetic will prevent pain and put the individual to sleep throughout the procedure.

The dentist will cut the gum and bone tissue covering the tooth. He will then grasp the tooth using forceps and gently move it back and forth to loosen it from the jawbone and ligaments that normally hold the tooth in place. In some cases, a difficult-to-remove tooth may be removed in multiple pieces.

Bleeding after tooth extraction is natural and necessary. Usually a blood clot forms in the cavity left behind from the tooth. The dentist places a gauze pad in the tooth cavity and tells the patient to bite into it to help stop the bleeding. In some cases, the dentist may place a few self-dissolving stitches to properly close the gingival margins in the extraction area.

Sometimes, the blood clot in the socket loosens and falls off, exposing the bone in the cavity. This is a painful and risky condition. This condition called septic (germ) socket is also called dry socket. Since a blood clot needs to form for healing to begin, the dentist may insert a pain-relieving paste containing an antiseptic or antibiotic into the socket for a few days to assist with this.

Recovery After Tooth Extraction

The initial recovery period after tooth extraction usually takes one to two weeks. In this process, new bone and gingival tissue grows in the cavity. However, over time, missing a tooth (or teeth) can cause the remaining teeth to change, affecting biting and making chewing difficult. For this reason, the dentist may recommend supporting the missing tooth or teeth with an implant, fixed bridge or denture.