Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    2-3 hours
  • Anaesthesia
    General and Local
  • Overnight stay
    1 night
  • Recovery Time
    1-2 weeks

What is Thyroidectomy?

Thyroidectomy is an operation to remove part or all of the thyroid gland for the treatment of cancer or non-cancer diseases under general anesthesia.

Various operations applied for this purpose are listed as follows:

Lobectomy: Removal of half of the thyroid gland.

Subtotal thyroidectomy: Removal of the thyroid gland leaving some thyroid tissue in both lobes Near total thyroidectomy: Removal of the thyroid gland leaving less than one gram of thyroid gland on one side

Total thyroidectomy: Removal of the entire thyroid gland.

There are certain indications for each operation. The most important risk of thyroid surgery is damage to anatomically adjacent structures. The first of these is the parathyroid glands that regulate the calcium level, and the other is the nerves that stimulate the vocal cords. The most frequently asked questions by patients before surgery are summarized below;

Why is Thyroidectomy needed?

Thyroidectomy is applied to three groups of patients with thyroid disease. The first of these is the patients who are known to have thyroid cancer by needle biopsy or who are suspected of thyroid cancer by biopsy, the second group is patients with nodules that are thought to be benign but whose diameter is getting larger and cause pressure symptoms on the neck, and the third group is patients whose hyperthyroidism cannot be controlled with drugs or radioactive iodine.

What should be considered before Thyroidectomy?

As before all other operations, a detailed medical history, physical examination and cardiopulmonary (heart and circulatory system) evaluation should be performed before Thyroidectomy. ECG and chest X-ray should be requested in patients over 45 years of age with cardiac symptoms. Vocal cords should be evaluated before surgery in those who have had neck surgery and have voice changes. This is important for determining whether the function of the nerves that stimulate the vocal cords is normal. If Thyroidectomy is to be performed for medullary thyroid cancer, accompanying adrenal (adrenal gland) tumors (pheochromocytoma), hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism should be investigated.

How should I choose the surgeon who will perform the operation?

Thyroidectomy should be performed by experienced surgeons who have received special training in this regard, complication rates are lower after surgery performed by surgeons who frequently perform thyroid surgery.Let us help you the best surgeon for you!

What are the risks of the surgery?

The most important risks that can be encountered during thyroid surgery are bleeding, damage to the nerve that stimulates the vocal cords that cause permanent voice changes, and damage to the parathyroid glands that regulate the calcium level of our body, which causes hypoparathyroidism. These complications are more common in large tumors with lymph node involvement and spread to the environment, in secondary surgeries to the thyroid gland, and in large goiters that extend towards the thorax. The complication rate increases when the surgeon's experience is insufficient. In general, the complication rate should be below 2%.

How much of thyroid gland needs to be removed?

Ask your surgeon what kind of surgery is planned for you (lobectomy, subtotal thyroidectomy or total thyroidectomy). Total thyroidectomy is generally preferred in papillary and follicular thyroid cancers. In medullary thyroid cancer, if the primary tumor is larger than 1.5 cm, lymph node dissection is performed to remove the lymph nodes that are thought to be involved.

Will I be able to return to normal life after the surgery?

Yes. After the effects of the surgery have passed, you will be able to do everything you could before the surgery. Hypothyroidism, which will require taking thyroid hormone pills, will occur in those who have all or almost all of the thyroid gland removed. Taking the drug regularly will be enough for you to continue the normal flow of your life.