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Robotic technology, which is frequently used in the field of health in the world, especially in liver and heart surgeries, has also had an important place in hair surgery.

Robotic hair transplantation processes include collecting hair follicles by an automatic technology instead of conventional methods, opening the channels in the transplantation area with an advanced technology, and manually planting these follicles into the channels opened with minimum error.

How is hair transplantation done with Robotic Surgery?

In robotic hair surgery, which we can call a comfortable method for the patient, roots are taken from the donor area. Thanks to its optical readers, the robot sees the direction of the root under the skin and collects the roots with almost zero error. The aim is to collect the strongest hair follicles in quality. While the robot is operating, the operator at the computer can intervene in the hair transplant robot when he deems it necessary. If the operator does not intervene, the robot automatically detects the hair follicles to be taken, and automatically determines which follicle to take in the next step. An important advantage of the hair transplant robot is that it does not cause any damage to the existing healthy hair while collecting the hair follicles. The robot does two important jobs: collecting roots and opening canals.

It is possible to summarize the channel opening process as follows; Everyone has a different hair growth direction and density that needs to be transplanted to appear in a certain volume. Thanks to its optical reader, the robot memorizes the hair follicles and opens channels without damaging the existing ones.

Before the procedure, photographs of the patient are taken from the front, from the back, from the top and from the side, and the head structure is made into a 3D format on the computer.

Thus, how many hair will be planted in which area, how the hair will be directed, at what angle it will be planted, is prepared meticulously, scientifically and professionally, just like preparing an architectural project.Patients can enter the procedure without any question marks in their minds. The process takes about 7-8 hours and is completed on the same day.

What should be done after the procedure?

After the procedure, the tissue from which the hair follicles are taken in the nape region of the patients is covered with a bandage for 48 hours to prevent germs.

In robotic transplants, no liquid is given under the skin. Therefore, since the subcutaneous tissue is not traumatized, edema and swelling are less common in robotic transplants compared to the FUE method. Wound healing is much faster.

According to the needs of the patient, a tennis player forehead band is used for 2-3 days. This band prevents the liquid on the forehead from descending around the eyes and creating a bruised appearance. The patient is given an edema-solving pill for three days. It is recommended to drink 2.5 liters of water a day, and to make ice compresses every hour to get rid of this edema quickly. One day after the operation, he is called for control. It is checked whether there is a problem such as bleeding, infection, swelling, edema. In general, almost everything goes well.

48 hours after hair transplantation, a process called the first wash is performed. The purpose of this is; While the patient is planting, the canal is opened and each canal has an angle. This angle, when one tiny incision is made, the skin is separated and a cleft is formed. Over time, this area crusts over. However, this crusting is desired to occur gradually. If it suddenly crusts quickly, undesirable situations may occur, such as infection of the hair root placed in it. For this reason, hair washing procedures that start two days after the operation continue for eight days and are applied once a day are performed. In this process, a lotion is applied to the skin and waited for 20 minutes. Thus, the skin becomes soft. Then washing is done. By the eighth day, the patient's crusts become more pronounced and their color changes from redness to brown. Eventually, the browns also start to harden gradually. In the last wash on the eighth day, applying lotion is kept for 40-50 minutes. Then the shells are gently poured one by one. On the tenth day, all the crusts of the patient have fallen, as if his hair has been cut short. Patients are extremely happy when they see them in the mirror with the feeling of having their hair cut short.

After transplantation, it is necessary to take good care of the hair. For this reason, it would be correct to use special shampoos, sprays and tablets that strengthen the hair.

When can patients return to their normal lives?

There is no problem in terms of health and you can return to work one day later. However, in terms of appearance, the redness will go away and the crusts will peel off, in short, everything will be completely finished after 10 days.