Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    2 hours
  • Overnight stay
    3 nights
  • Anaesthesia
  • Recovery Time
    3 weeks

What is SADI-S?

SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is one of the most frequently used surgical procedures, especially when diseases accompanying obesity such as diabetes, sleep apnea or hypertension are observed. In addition to sleeve gastrectomy, the procedure includes removing a part of the small intestine and restructuring it.

Sadi-S surgery reduces the size of the stomach and limits the amount of food that a person can consume. The process in the small intestine reduces the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body. Sadi - S surgery is a very effective procedure for patients to lose weight and improve obesity-related health problems.

Who is this for?

Sadi-S surgery is a surgical procedure suitable for patients suffering from health problems such as diabetes and having a body mass index of 50 or higher.Patients should not have any medical condition that may prevent the surgical procedure. Sadi - S surgery is frequently used especially in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Sadi - S surgery may not be a suitable surgical procedure for people with vitamin or mineral deficiencies (including anemia), Crohn's disease, previous abdominal surgery, severe reflux or irritable bowel syndrome.

What are the advantages of Sadi-S Surgery?

The biggest advantage of the Sadi-S surgery is that it limits the amount of food that the person can consume due to the reduction of the stomach. In addition, by reorienting the intestines, the absorption of calories consumed by the person is significantly reduced. This helps the person lose weight quickly by minimizing the risk of weight gain. On average, patients can expect to lose 80% to 100% of their unhealthy weight in about 9 months.

Another important advantage of Sadi-S surgery is that this operation is a permanent method with a high success rate in solving obesity-related health problems such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea and high cholesterol.

What does Sadi-S Surgery include?

Sadi-S surgery takes about two hours, this time varies depending on the surgical history and anatomy of the person. The hospital stay after the procedure is approximately two nights.

Sadi-S surgery is usually performed laparoscopically with five small incisions on the abdominal surface. Performing the procedure laparoscopically provides advantages such as shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, lighter surgical scars and less pain compared to open surgical procedures.

What are the Risks of Sadi-S Surgery?

While Sadi-S surgery provides high weight loss, in some cases, patients may experience vitamin or protein deficiency despite taking supplements. This is because a large portion of the small intestine is removed, limiting the ability of patients to absorb very important vitamins and proteins.

Sadi - S surgery is a highly effective way to treat type 2 diabetes and maximize weight loss, but the person should be committed to taking regular vitamin or protein supplements after surgery.

Lack of certain vitamins or nutrients can have serious consequences. For example, not getting enough of vitamin A can cause night blindness. For this reason, it is very important to take all vitamins and minerals completely in order to prevent malnutrition.

What should be considered after Sadi-S Surgery?

After the Sadi-S surgery, a personalized nutrition program will be prepared and a liquid diet will be started. Usu Overnight stayally, a follow-up appointment is made one week after discharge, and if all is well at this appointment, the next step of the diet, soft foods containing protein, can be passed.

After Sadi-S surgery, people need about 80 to 100 grams of protein per day and should avoid carbonated drinks, sugary and acidic drinks or foods, and high-fat foods. The diet applied after the surgery mostly includes foods with high protein, low carbohydrate and low fat.

Follow-up Appointments After Sadi-S Surgery

It is very important not to delay follow-up appointments after Sadi - S surgery. Generally, after the first two weeks,online follow-up appointments will be scheduled with gradually increasing intervals such as 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, one year, 18 months. These appointments are important to avoid problems such as regaining weight.