Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    15-20 minutes
  • Anaesthesia
    General or Loco-regional
  • Overnight stay
  • Recovery Time
    2 weeks

What is IVF with ICSI?

In IVF, which is the classical IVF method, sperm and eggs are brought side by side and the sperm are expected to fertilize the egg. In the microinjection method, also known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), the sperm cell taken into a glass needle is injected directly into the egg and fertilization is ensured. Microinjection applications are performed when the sperm count is insufficient, the motility is below normal and the cells cannot fertilize the egg. The most important advantage of the microinjection method is that men with problems in sperm motility and number can also benefit from the in vitro fertilization method.

Who is this for?

ICSI, which is different from the IVF method only in the fertilization process, is applied in cases where the sperm count and quality are low, as well as in the presence of sperm antibodies that prevent fertilization, in which fertilization does not occur with the classical method and there is a problem in fertilization despite the absence of a certain sperm problem.

When is it applied?

· In cases where sperm count is low and sperm quality is low,

· In patients with severe disorders in sperm form and morphology,

· In patients with antisperm-antibodies considered as the cause of infertility,

· In those who have tried the classical in vitro fertilization (IVF) method and have not had successful results,

· In patients who will undergo preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD),

· It is a method that can be applied in cases of unexplained infertility.

How is It different from IVF?

In the IVF technique, sperm cells taken from the man are placed around one of the egg cells taken from the woman in the laboratory environment and a sperm is expected to fertilize the egg by itself. This is similar to fertilization in a normal pregnancy. The only difference is that the fertilization here is in the laboratory environment.

In the ICSI method, one of the sperm taken from the man is applied and injected into the egg cell taken from the expectant mother with the help of special pipettes. This is why we call this method also microinjection. In short, we do not wait for the sperm to fertilize the egg and we place it inside.

Advantages of ICSI Treatment

Microinjection treatment is a technique with a much higher probability of fertilization compared to classical IVF applications. Especially in cases where the sperm count and sperm quality are low in the father-to-be, the probability of fertilization by IVF method is low. It is impossible in cases such as azoospermia (the absence of mature sperm cells). In the ICS method, a single sperm is sufficient; In such cases, fertilization can occur.


Does Fertilization Occur 100% in the ICSI Method?

ICSI method is one of the treatment methods with the highest success rate. However, there may be cases where fertilization does not occur due to poor oocyte and sperm quality. Another important criterion affecting the success of the microinjection treatment method is the experience of the responsible doctor.

What is the chance of pregnancy for those who have ICSI?

The chance of pregnancy in the ICSI method is much higher than the IVF treatment method. The age of the expectant mother and ovarian capacity are among the factors affecting success. Although it varies according to the characteristics of the couples, the fertilization success is between 50% and 80% on average.

Which Couples Need ICSI Treatment?

This method is used with success in the treatment of severe cases, especially in which infertility depends on the man. ICSI treatment is applied in cases where there is a small number of sperm in the semen or in cases where the sperm cannot fertilize the egg although there is a normal number of sperm. With this method, it is possible for these couples to have healthy children by injecting the sperm obtained by the Microscopic TESE procedure from men who have no sperm in their semen, by injecting them into eggs taken from their spouses.