Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    2 hours
  • Anaesthesia
  • Overnight stay
    Not needed
  • Recovery Time
    16-18 months

Dental Braces

With the advancement of technology, braces treatment applications are also increasing. ontrary to popular belief, adults also take part in the application of braces, which is generally the most appropriate treatment method for the crooked teeth.

What is Dental Braces?

Dental Braces Treatment is a procedure performed for those who want to look aesthetically perfect around the face.Thanks to Dental Braces today we can treat dental problems such as malocclusion, repositioning of the badly positioned teeth, crooked teeth.

How is braces treatment performed?

Patients who want to have braces treatment must first undergo an examination.

Necessary procedures are performed by the specialist dentist for the patient who needs orthodontic treatment and is suitable for this treatment.

What are the treatment stages?

First Examination

· During the first examination, you are examined by an orthodontist and after the examination;

· If you are suitable for orthodontic treatment, you will be informed how long the treatment will take and the cost.

· If there are any defects (rotten teeth, bleeding gums, etc.) detected during the examination, they should be eliminated; In case of need, the patient is directed to the relevant dentist for the completion of all fillings, the cleaning of calculus and the elimination of such problems.

Treatment Process

· If braces treatment is deemed appropriate by your doctor, the doctor first starts the treatment from the upper jaw and moves to the lower jaw after a few sessions.

· Depending on the preference of your doctor during the treatment process, a tube can be placed on the molars or a tape can be attached.

· The braces are attached respectively.

· Arch wires are attached after braces.

· Arch wires are attached to the brackets with ligature wires or elastic ligatures, your procedures are completed and you are expected to follow your doctor's recommendations.

What age is the best for dental braces?

Dental Braces are not only applied only children. Braces can adapt to people of all ages. Orthodontists have been demonstrating that Dental Braces provide positive results for many years. Crooked teeth are treated in the most appropriate way thanks to the braces positioned on the teeth. The only issue that is important in braces treatment is that individuals pay attention to their oral care.

Do dental braces leave stains and traces on teeth?

The only issue that is important in the treatment of dental braces is that individuals pay attention to their oral care. The braces do not cause any decay and do not leave any stains or marks.

What should be considered after Dental Braces treatment?

It is very rare for the teeth to return to their original state after braces treatment. In general, reverted teeth are teeth that have not been treated with reinforcement. At this point, reinforcement treatments are also very important. Reinforcement treatment, on the other hand, is a specially designed wire attached to the inside of the teeth. However, patients undergoing treatment should be checked regularly. The braces used during this treatment are very thin. For this reason, it never harms the individual and the teeth and does not disturb the individual. Braces applications are very important to treat crooked, gaping and gingival impacted teeth.

After the braces treatment, additional treatments are applied by paying attention to some points in order to prevent the teeth from turning into the old trapezoidal state.

These are listed as follows;

· In order not to experience the same problems after braces treatment, thin, invisible braces are attached to the inner side of the tooth after the braces are removed.

· Since these braces attached to the inside are not visible, it is not a problem and prevents the reoccurrence of the problem of crooked teeth.

· After the braces are removed, The dentist gives molds to be placed on the teeth at night. By using these transparent and light molds, the possibility of the teeth to be crooked again is reduced.

· The occurrence of the problem can be prevented by regular medical check-ups every 3 or 6 months.

When do teeth start to straighten after braces are placed?

What is the duration?

· Although the duration of braces treatment with orthodantic appliances varies from patient to patient, this period varies according to;

· The growth and development of the patient

· The patient’s age

· Jaw Dysfunction disorders and, oral care and structure of the patient,

· The duration may vary depending on the type of treatment and the recommendation of the dentist.

Doctor Selection for Dental Braces

The choice of a doctor is important in the treatment of dental braces applied to eliminate the distortion of the teeth. In braces treatments, where professional hands and quality materials meet, the result is more successful. The answer to the question of how much braces are wondered by those who want to have braces treatment varies according to the quality of the doctor, the quality of the material, and the duration of the treatment. You can reach us to provide the best quality treatment at the most affordable prices, and get the necessary service and treatment from us.

How to choose right toothbrush for braces?

While choosing a toothbrush, the most important detail will be to choose the right brush. In this sense, experts recommend cleaning teeth with soft-headed brushes.To get more information to have a healthier mouth, you can contact us or make an appointment and benefit from our world class services.

How long should the braces be worn?

Braces usually need to be worn from 18 months to 2 years. However, in some cases this process may be prolonged or take less time.