Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    1-2 hours
  • Overnight stay
    1 night
  • Anaesthesia
    Local or General
  • Recovery Time
    3-5 days

Brow Lift

The effects of aging on the body are inevitable. With age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity. Wrinkles and sagging are seen in different parts of the body, especially the face. The first signs of aging are usually seen in the eyebrow and forehead area. The sagging of the eyebrows and upper eyelids can accumulate over the eyes as time passes and reach a level that makes vision difficult. The drooping of the eyebrows, which affects the facial expression very much, can also cause a tired, nervous or tense appearance.

What are the eyebrow lifting methods?

Brow lift can be performed with surgery or with methods that do not require surgical procedures, depending on the need. Both procedures have advantages and disadvantages. Surgical methods include eyebrow suspension, classical eyebrow lifting and endoscopic eyebrow lifting; Botox and ultherapy can be be as examples of non-surgical methods.

How to raise eyebrows with botox?

Brow lifting with Botox begins by designing an eyebrow shape suitable for the person's face. The eyebrow is pulled to the position it should be on the face, making it more compatible with the face; It is aimed that the person has a softer, more vigorous and healthy appearance. Brow lift operation with Botox is planned and applied by expert plastic surgeons with golden ratio calculations.

The operation is applied in small doses so as not to prevent the natural movement of the eyebrow and to minimize the deterioration in the muscles. Since it is a non-surgical procedure, the operation can be completed in a very short time, between 2-10 minutes. During the procedure, botulinum toxin is injected with fine-tipped needles to the predetermined points in a way that raises the eyebrow. The effect of eyebrow lifting with Botox becomes more evident a few days after the procedure. The most important advantage of the operation is that there is no scar on the face after the procedure. Although it differs from person to person, it is recommended to repeat the botox injection process in an average of 4-6 months, in other words 2 times a year on average, in order to preserve the position of the eyebrow.

How to raise eyebrows with Ultherapy?

Ultherapy HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is the general name of a system that provides tightening and renewing the skin as much as possible with high-intensity focused ultrasound energy. Ulthera, ultra skin, doublo are some of these treatment devices. Most lasers or radiofrequency systems only work on the skin, they do not affect the deep tissues under the skin or the facial structures. Because its effects are on the skin and can only reach a depth of 1-2 mm. Therefore, as it is clear that, the effects of such applications are limited to the skin only. With Ultherapy treatment, it is possible to reach up to 4.5 mm of the skin without creating any scars on the skin. The duration of the eyebrow lift procedure with Ultherapy is 10 minutes on average. Although the effects of the ultherapy process are seen immediately, it reaches the desired maximum effect in an average of 3 months.

What is Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery?

How is it performed?

Many different methods can be applied in brow lift surgeries, but the most frequently applied and most popular method is the procedures performed with the help of small and thin cameras called endoscopes, without making any incisions and without leaving a trace. It can be easily applied in the operating room conditions in the hospital under general or local anesthesia supported by sedation. In endoscopic brow lift surgeries, it is possible to perform the surgery without causing any bleeding and leaving a scar, by opening small holes from several different points in the inner parts of the scalp. Thanks to this method, the formation of scars that occurs in old methods is prevented, and the recovery period is much shorter with less swelling. After the operation, the use of pain reliever tablets is sufficient, and there is no unpleasant pain. Stitches are removed after an average of 10 days. Since the scar of the operation will remain in the scalp, there is no problem of scarring. Compared to Botox, your eyebrows can stay in the desired position much longer, and the process does not need to be repeated at regular intervals, as is the case with botox's eyebrow lift. In short, with the endoscopic eyebrow lift application, much more permanent results can be obtained compared to the non-surgical applications.

What should be considered after the Brow Lift Surgery?

After brow lift or forehead lift surgery, tape and dressing are applied around your eyebrows and on your forehead. During this period, you can help the edema go down faster than normal by applying a cold compress to your forehead. You may experience swelling on your forehead in the post-operative period, and these swellings are quite normal. However, bruising is not very common. In case of bruising, it is recommended to contact your doctor. On the third day after the operation, it is possible to wash the hair carefully, without damaging it too much. Stitches are removed on the seventh day after surgery. Patients usually feel better at the end of the first week after surgery, with the disappearance of mild swelling on their foreheads. You may experience difficulty in moving your eyebrows and forehead and numbness on your forehead for a temporary period after the surgery. All these are expected in the normal healing process of the surgery. If you experience an unexpected situation during the recovery period after brow lift surgery, you should contact your specialist doctor immediately.