Via Premium

Hair Loss  and Hair Transplants

Hair loss is a major problem for a wide segment of the population, as it occurs in 85% of males and 40% of females around the world. With the advancement of technology and medicine, hair transplantation has spread, which is an effective, safe and reliable way to restore a more youthful appearance.

Most hair transplant operations are based on transferring hair from the back areas of the head to the front bald part of the scalp.

Before a Hair Transplant Operation: In preparation for surgery, you must abstain from smoking and aspirin one week before surgery and abstain from alcoholic beverages for three days before the procedure.

Hair Transplants in Turkey

From a surgical standpoint, the hair transplantation process requires a trained and effective team, in which the patient undergoes local anesthesia, and then the technique to be used is challenged, whether it is the FUE or DHI technique, which depends on removing hair follicles directly from the scalp, or Strip (FUT) technique, in which tiny parts of the hair-bearing scalp are removed, then divided into small sections and implanted in holes or slits inside the scalp.

The duration of one session ranges from 6-9 hours and goes through several steps, starting with extracting the hair follicles from the donor area, then determining the location to be transplanted and implanting the extracted hair follicles in the recipient area.

However, the entire hair transplantation process takes a long period of time due to the need to leave periods of up to months between sessions, so the total time for the transplantation process is about two years, and the hair also needs several months after the procedure to grow again.

After completing the procedure, the surgical remains are cleaned and a bandage is applied for a day or two.

Comlications of Hair Transplants

As for post-transplant complications, they are rare, but it is possible for edema or bleeding, numbness in the scalp, inflammation of the hair follicles, or infection and sepsis to occur.

At Via Premium, we offer you professional treatments carried out by our experienced doctors and we are certified and authorized international health service provider. Therefore, you must always choose professional medical staff and large hospital groups that have all official licenses and approvals from the Ministry of Health Turkey.You can always contact with our medical consultants to get your free consultation!

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