Via Premium
  • Procedure Time
    1 hour
  • Anaesthesia
  • Overnight stay
    3-4 nights
  • Recovery Time
    3-4 weeks

What is Appendectomy?

As a result of inflammation in the appendix part of the abdominal cavity, a discomfort called appendicitis occurs. This is a situation that occurs suddenly and needs to be dealt with quickly. When appendicitis occurs, the removal of the appendix during the intervention is called appendectomy.

It is extremely important to remove the appendix before it bursts during appendectomy. As a result of a possible puncture or injury during the operation, the spread of infections into the intra-abdominal cavity is life-threatening for people. For this reason, it is important to remove it with a very meticulous and fast work.

What is Appendix?

The appendix is a part of the intestine that is also called the cecum and has no known function in the body. Some experts think that this part of the intestine helps with digestion and the immune system.

Congestion can occur when the appendix cannot function properly. As a result of this blockage, inflammation begins. From this time period, patients have very little time and they need to apply to health institutions immediately. In order for patients to understand such a problem, they should pay great attention to the following symptoms:

What are the symptoms of the Appendicitis?

Congestion can occur when the appendix cannot function properly. As a result of this blockage, inflammation begins. From this time period, patients have very little time and they need to apply to health institutions immediately. In order for patients to understand such a problem, they should pay great attention to the following symptoms:

The feeling of stabbing a knife when pressure is applied to the lower right part of the abdomen with the hand

Constant nausea and vomiting

Dryness in the mouth area, stopping the secretion of salivary glands

Difficulty in digestion

Constipation or persistent diarrhea

High fever

Accelerating heart rhythm

These symptoms can sometimes be seen in pregnant women as pain in the back area. After the symptoms, health institutions should be visited as soon as possible.

Appendicitis pain begins with a blockage in the appendix area and continues with swelling of this area. As a result, an extremely delicate situation arises. Incorrect interventions can cause the swollen appendicitis to burst.

Appendectomy Surgery

After a clear diagnosis is made, a situation that requires surgical intervention occurs. A solution to this situation is created with appendectomy surgery. However, in some cases, the risk of surgery increases when the infection is too advanced. For this reason, it is ensured that the area gets rid of the infection with antibiotic treatment first.

Appendectomy surgery is usually performed openly with an incision of 5-10 cm in the abdominal cavity. However, sometimes a few incisions are made in the abdomen and it can be performed in a surgery called Laparoscopic Appendectomy. This is a closed operation.

In the laparoscopic operation, a camera is sent into the body through the incision made in the abdomen.

After the image is taken with the camera, appendicitis can be intervened.

Appendicitis is taken by means of special medical instruments.

Laparoscopic intervention also has some advantages over open surgery.

The operation continues in a less painful way.

There is a faster recovery of the surgical site.

A smaller area is opened in the abdomen.

This operation is preferred especially in the elderly and people suffering from obesity problems.

During the laparoscopic intervention, images are taken with the camera sent inside. However, if the inflammation in the area is seen to spread, the operation is canceled and continued as open surgery. Since this inflammation spreads rapidly, open surgery is essential to completely clean the abdomen and organs.

After appendectomy surgery, the patient is kept under observation in the hospital for a few days. If there is a trace that the abscess has burst during this process, a drain is placed in the abdomen and the abscess is cleaned out with the help of this drain.

What should be considered after Appendectomy?

The patient is discharged from the hospital after his vital signs return to normal. After this step, there are some points that should be considered. The stage of returning to normal life after surgery should progress slowly and attention should be paid to the following situations:

Heavy Lifting: The patient should not lift anything heavy after the operation. This can cause the stitches thrown after the operation to burst and the person to live life-threatening. In fact, it can cause a hernia because the muscles are not as strong as before.

Sexual Intercourse: After the operation, sexual intercourse should be avoided for a while. Particular attention should be paid to this issue until the stitches are removed and the patient slowly bends and stands up.

Movement and Sport: It is extremely dangerous to do sports after the operation. Even more than sports, sudden movements of the patient should definitely be avoided.

Bath: While being discharged from the hospital, the subject of bathing should be discussed privately with the doctor. Depending on the condition of the surgery, information is given by the doctor about this.

Dressing: The dressings made in the hospital should continue at home and the stitched area should be protected from infection.

Nutrition: After the operation, the patient should be given plenty of fruits and vegetables. These nutrients help the wound to heal faster and the patient to recover as soon as possible.

Medications: Medications given by the doctor after appendectomy should be used without interruption.